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WHAT are some common questions about Festivals of Music?

Do you have a specific question about Festivals of Music? If you can’t find the answer you need in our frequently asked questions below, please contact us at and we’ll get right back to you with helpful information.

Is there a registration fee per ensemble?

No. You pay a per person fee for all participants. There is not an additional charge per group. Your $500 deposit is applied to your overall cost.

Do I have to pay a deposit to register my groups for the festival?

No. (Isn’t that great?) Your first deposits will not be due until January 5. We encourage you to sign up even if you are simply considering attending the festival.

If a student is in multiple ensembles, do they have to pay more than once?

No. Even if a student is in band, choir and orchestra, they only pay the per person fee one time.

Do I have to buy a hotel package through Festivals of Music?

No. We believe you should have the choice to work with your preferred travel planner and make decisions about your tour that are in the best interests of your students. We’re not here to sell you a bus or hotel room. We exist to provide the best festival experience possible. PERIOD.

Can you recommend a travel company for us?

EPN  Travel Services ( is the preferred travel partner for your transporation, lodging, activity and meal needs. Click here to request a quote from an EPN Travel Specialist.

The Student Youth Travel Association is another resource for exploring your travel options.

How many complimentary director packages do we receive?

You receive one for each performance area—band, choir and orchestra—as it applies to your school.

Is there a limit to the number of groups that I may register?

Not really, but we advise no more than 5 choirs and 5 instrumental groups per department.

Is there an admission cost for parents and spectators to attend the festival?

No, and we encourage your supporters to be in the audience. The fee for chaperones covers their attendance at the awards ceremony location.

How long is the clinic?

The clinic portion of your stage time will generally run about 15 minutes. The amount of clinic time is dependent on the length of your performance selections and how much time you need getting on and off stage as well as between pieces. Your clinic will fill whatever time remains of your total stage allotment (45 minutes instrumental, 30 minutes choral) after your performance concludes—allowing a small amount of time at the end for stage exit.

Will my choirs and instrumental groups perform in the same location?

This will be dependent on the amount of enrollment for a given date and location. A large festival may require multiple sites to be run throughout the day to accommodate all the groups. When this happens, the sites will be kept in as close proximity to each other as possible and transfer time will be taken into consideration when building your schedule.

Will there be a place to store personal items?

When possible we work to have a space where personal belongings and cases can be stored. However this is not a guarantee, nor will there be a secure “homeroom” in which to leave personal items. We advise planning to leave items on your bus, and when there is a storage area have a designated chaperone available to supervise the group’s belongings.

Will there be a place to change in and out of concert wear?

We are unable to guarantee changing facilities. Public restrooms at the site may be available for changing.

What type of accompaniment may I use? CD playback? MP3? Live?

There will always be pianos available for live accompaniment, and CD/mp3 playback capabilities will vary from site to site. If using a digital form of playback, we highly advise contacting the site host in advance for details of what will be available so you may plan accordingly.

Is there a literature requirement?

There is no required repertoire list for any of our performance categories. We recommend consulting state or national suggested repertoire lists for appropriate literature to consider. ONE EXCEPTION: if you are registered in the “Renaissance Choir” category, you must perform repertoire specific to that era.